from import Generator
from typing import NamedTuple, Mapping
Rogue background¶
Rogue was originally written during 1980–1983 by some of my school mates at UC Santa Cruz for BSD Unix running on, if I recall correctly, was a VAX-11.
The code that I will be referring to in this discussion is from sometime later, and is taken from with the copyright notice including the text
Copyright (C) 1980-1983, 1985, 1999 Michael Toy, Ken Arnold and Glenn Wichman
The 1985 and 1999 code appear include getting this to run on Windows and use of the Gnu autoconf build tools. All of the code that I will be discussing is almost certainly from what I remember playing when I should have been doing my homework during my first years at university.
The rogue PRNG an attempt at linear congruential generator (LCG). These are not appropriate for security or cryptographic purposes, but they are really fast and easy to implement.
Following the notation from Hull and Dobell (1962)
$x_{n} \equiv ax_{n-1} + c \pmod m$
where the $n$-th output of the RNG is $x_n$ depends on the previous value, $x_{n-1}$, and the parameters a, c, and m. The $x_0$ is the initial seed. m is called the modulus, a is the multiplier, and c is the increment. When c isn't zero, this really should be called an affine congruential generator instead of linear, but as noted by Steele and Vigna (2021) more than half a century of tradition leaves us with the name linear congruential generator.
The Rogue RNG is similar to that, but it differs in two ways, one of which is intended. The intended difference is that it makes a stronger distinction between internal state of the RNG, $S_n$, and the output, $X_n$. In doing so, solves a particular problem, which we will get to later.
The rogue RNG can be described as \begin{align*} s_n & \equiv as_{n-1} + c \pmod m \\ x_{n} &= \left\lfloor s_{n} / 2^{16} \right\rfloor \end{align*}
The output of the RNG, $x_{n}$, is the 16 most significant bits of the internal state, $s_{n}$. The internal state will be a 32 bit integer on a VAX.
The parameters are
- The multiplier: $a = 11109$
- The increment: $c = 13849$
- The modulus is (intended to be) $m = 2^{31} = 2\,147\,483\,648$
- The seed, $S_0$, is set as the sum of current time (seconds since the beginning of the epoch) and the process ID.
The code itself for the this RNG is a one line macro in the source
#define RN (((seed = seed*11109+13849) >> 16) & 0xffff)
a = 11109
c = 13849
m = 2**31
In analyzing these parameters we will often want to do things with the factorization of various numbers. See Sage math Factorization for details of the object returned by the factor()
function, but as a simple introduction, here are some examples of what we will be using.
from math import gcd
from toy_crypto.nt import factor
n = 18
f_n = factor(n)
print(f'Factorization of {n} is {f_n}.')
print(f'Factorization as a list of (prime, exponent) tuples: {list(f_n)}')
# The radical_value of a factorization is the product of each prime factor
# each used only once.
print(f'Radical value of {n} is {f_n.radical_value()}')
Factorization of 18 is 2 * 3^2. Factorization as a list of (prime, exponent) tuples: [(2, 1), (3, 2)] Radical value of 18 is 6
Some of the criteria for good parameters for the kind of LCG aimed at here are that
- $m$ and $c$ are relatively prime,
- $a \equiv 1 \pmod p$ if p is a prime factor of m;
- $a \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ if 4 is a factor of m;
- $m > 0$, $c \not\equiv 0 \pmod m$;
- Beyond what is needed to satisfy the above conditions there are no extra common factors between a and m.
- $a \not\equiv 1 \pmod m$.
The Hull-Dobell Theorem states that if conditions 1 through 4 are met then the internal state of the generator will cycle through m possibilities. The other conditions improve the apparent randomness of the generator.
We can look at the factorizations of our m, $a - 1$, and c to see by inspection that these conditions hold. This is made particulary easy by the fact that m is simply a power of 2 and that the parameters have been crafted to meet these conditions.
Failing to meet all of these conditions means that the generator is not good, but meeting all of the conditions not not guarantee that it is good. It only guarentees that it doesn't fail in some known ways.
m and c relatively prime¶
We could simply compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) of m and c and check that it is 1. A GCD of 1 would mean that the two numbers are relatively prime.
f_m = factor(m)
print(f'factorization of "m" ({m}) is {f_m}')
factorization of "m" (2147483648) is 2^31
Of course when m is a power of 2 it only has 2s as prime factors. We really don't need to factor it to know that 2 is its only prime factor. As c is an odd number, so we know that it does not have 2 among its prime factors. And so we only need to see that c is an odd number to know that c and m are relatively prime.
For the record, the factorization of c is
f_c = factor(c)
print(f'factorization of "c" ({c}) is {f_c}')
factorization of "c" (13849) is 11 * 1259
$a - 1$ divisible by all unique prime factors of m¶
Note that saying that $a \equiv 1 \pmod p$ is (almost) the same as saying that $a-1$ is divisible by $p$. I will switch back and forth between the two forms as I see fit.
It is important to note that this condition only needs $a-1$ to be divisible by each prime factor of m only once. For example, suppose that m is divisible by 9 we do not need $a - 1$ to be divisible by 9, we just need it to be divisible by 3. That is, $a - 1$ only needs to be divisible by 3 once even if 3 occurs multiple times in the factorization of m. So if some prime p appears at least once in the factorization of m, we only need a - 1 to be divisible by a single p.
Another way of saying this (which will be explained in a bit more detail later) is that we want $a-1$ to be divisible by the radical value of m.
In our case the only prime factor we have for m is 2. We have it a whole bunch of times (31 times in our case), but it is the only prime factor. So we merely need a to leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 2.
We see that a is odd, so we know it leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 2, and thus this condition holds in our case.
As we will use it later, it will be useful to have the factorization of $a - 1$.
a_dim = a - 1
f_adim = factor(a_dim)
print(f'Factorization of {a} - 1 is {f_adim}.')
Factorization of 11109 - 1 is 2^2 * 2777.
Rule of 4¶
The third condition says that if m is divisible by 4 then $a-1$ must also be divisible by 4. It places no conditions on a if m is not divisible by 4.
Our m is very definitely divisible by 4. $2^{31}$ is going to be divisible by $2^2$, so we do need to check on $a-1$.
We've already factored $a-1$ and we see that it has two 2s among its prime factors, so it is divisible by 4.
Simple conditions on m and c¶
The condition that $c \not\equiv 1 \pmod m$ actually follows from the first condition that gcd(c, m) = 1, as the greated common divisor is not defined for an argument of 0.
The condition that m is positive (almost) follows from implications of notation, and it really just simplies the statements of the other conditions. I have explicitly added these conditions because they are quick to check and make the other checks easier.
No extra common factors¶
It's easier to describe this 5th condition with a couple of examples.
If, say, m is divisible by 9 we actually want $a - 1$ to be divisible by 3 due to the second condition, but we don't want $a-1$ to be divisible by 9. That is need $a-1$ to be divisible by 3 but only once. So if $m'$ were something like $2 \cdot 3^{20}$ then we could need $a-1$ to be divisible by 2 exactly once and divisible by 3 exactly once. So an $a' = 2 \cdot 3 \cdot 17^{4} + 1$ would be fine. But an $a'' = 2 \cdot 3^2 \cdot 17^{4} + 1$ would not be.
Our previous condition, the rule of 4, is the one execption to this condition about extra factors. When m is divisible by 4 we have an exception. When this rule is combined with the rule of 4, it says that if we have at least two 2s as factors of m we must have exactly two 2s as factors of $a-1$.
This rule is not needed to ensure that there are m possible states of the generator, but instead is used to reduce certain patterns in the output of the generator.
We see from the factorization of $a-1$ that it has exactly two 2s, which is what we need in this case. There are no other distinct prime factors of m so we only have to check the number of 2s in the factorization of $a-1$. This condition is satisfied for our parameters.
a is not 1 mod m¶
If a were equivalent to 1, then the there would be no apparent randomness contributed by the multiplier.
Given that a and m statisfy condition the "each prime" condition, $a \equiv 1 \pmod m$, this condition is equivalent to stating that m is not square-free. Sometimes it will be easier to check $a \not\equiv 1 \pmod m$ and other times it may be easier to check that m is not sqaure-free.
Saying that m is not square free, requires that at least one of the non-prime factors of m is a perfect square. m is divisible by 4, which is a perfect square, and so this condition is satisfied. It would also be statisfied for our example of $m' = 2 \cdot 3^{20}$. This is because $m'$ would be divisible by $3^2$.
checking more generally¶
By fairly simple inspection, we could see that all of the conditions hold for the parameters given, but it would be nice to be able to test for other cases. That is what the code below does.
class Conditions:
descriptons: Mapping[str,str] = {
'SIMPLE': "simple value conditions",
'COPRIME': "rel prime",
'EACH_PRIME': "each factor",
'RULE4': "rule of 4",
'NO_EXTRA': "no extra",
'SQUARE_LADEN': "not square-free"
full_set: set[str] = set(descriptons.keys())
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.value = set()
def add(self, c) -> None:
if c not in self.full_set:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown condition "{c}"')
self.value |= {c}
def contains(self, c) -> bool:
return c in self.value
def all_conds(cls) -> set[str]:
return cls.full_set
def all(self) -> bool:
return self.value == self.full_set
def items(self) -> list[tuple[str, bool]]:
r: list[tuple[str,bool]] = []
for c in self.full_set:
r.append((c, c in self.value))
return r
# Hull-Dobell theorem conditions (and a few others)
hd_conditions = Conditions()
# simple conditions
if m > 0 and (c % m) != 0:
print("c and m "
+ ("do " if hd_conditions.contains('SIMPLE') else "do not ")
+ "meet simple value conditions")
# m and c are relatively prime
if gcd(m, c) == 1:
print("c and m "
+ ("are " if hd_conditions.contains('COPRIME') else "are not ")
+ "relatively prime")
c and m do meet simple value conditions c and m are relatively prime
We will be using the radical value of a factorization fairly often, so it is worth going over what it is and why it is useful for us.
If we take a number like 18, whose factorization is $2 \cdot 3^2$ we see that its prime factors are 2 and 3, with 3 used twice. The radicals of 18 are simply 2 and 3, which ignores the fact that 3 is used twice to get 18. The radical value is the product of the radicals.
So the radical value of 18 is 6. It is just the product of each of the prime factors used exactly once.
If we want $a-1$ to be divisible by each of the prime factors of $m$, then we want $a-1$ to be divisible by the radical value of m. That is what we do below.
# $a - 1$ is divisible by a single instance of each prime factors of $m$
if (a - 1) % f_m.radical_value() == 0:
print("a - 1 "
+ ("is " if hd_conditions.contains('EACH_PRIME') else "is not " )
+ "divisible by all prime factors of m")
a - 1 is divisible by all prime factors of m
The rule of 4 holds true either if m is not divisible by 4 or if $a-1$ is divisible by 4.
if m % 4 != 0 or (a - 1) % 4 == 0:
print("a - 1 "
+ ("is " if hd_conditions.contains('RULE4') else "is not " )
+ "divisible by 4 if m is divisible by 4")
a - 1 is divisible by 4 if m is divisible by 4
If conditions 2 and 3 are met, then we can check condition 4 first by reducing the modulus and a - 1 by the factors used to satisfy those conditions. Then we check that the reduced m and reduced a are relatively prime.
# already computed above
# f_m = factor(m)
# f_adim = factor(a-1)
print(f'factorization of m: {f_m}')
print(f'factorization of a - 1: {f_adim}')
# We will produce a reduced a - 1 by dividing each by the unique
# prime factors of m. This operation depends on condition 2 being met
reduced_a = (a - 1) // f_m.radical_value()
if m % 4 == 0: # this step assumes that condition 3 is met
reduced_a //= 2
f_reduced_a = factor(reduced_a)
print(f'reduced a factorization: {f_reduced_a}')
if gcd(reduced_a, m) == 1:
print('a - 1 and m '
+ ('do not ' if hd_conditions.contains('NO_EXTRA') else 'do ')
+ 'share "extra" factors')
factorization of m: 2^31 factorization of a - 1: 2^2 * 2777 reduced a factorization: 2777 a - 1 and m do not share "extra" factors
Now to check that m is not square free. Note that because the other conditions hold we don't have to run a more expensive square_free test, as in our context if m does not have any square factors the consequence will be that $a \equiv 1 \pmod m$. (The proof is left as an excercise to the reader.) It is quicker to check for that condition.
#hd_conditions[COND_SQUARE_LADEN] = not is_squarefree(m)
if a % m != 1:
print('m ' + ('is not ' if hd_conditions.contains('SQUARE_LADEN') else 'is ') + 'square free')
m is not square free
if hd_conditions.all():
print('all conditions are met')
all conditions are met
We can put all of those checks into a function.
def dh_lcg_check(m: int, a: int, c: int) -> Conditions:
# We are going to check simple value conditions and treat
# them as value errors instead of a condition that fails.
for name, value in {"m": m, "a": a, "c": c}.items():
if value == 0:
raise ValueError(f'"{name}" cannot be zero')
if m < 0:
raise ValueError(f'a ({a}) must be positive')
# If we knew that m would either be prime or a power of primes,
# we could perform all of these tests more simply (though perhaps)
# more abstractly) in GF(m). But we can't assume that. So these tests
# are messy.
f_m = factor(m)
conds = Conditions()
if m > 0 and (c % m) != 0:
if gcd(m, c) == 1:
if a % m != 1:
if (a - 1) % f_m.radical_value() == 0:
if m % 4 != 0 or (a - 1) % 4 == 0:
# We can only compute the "no extra common factors" test if
# if we have passed the "each factor" test and the "rule of 4" test.
# We will consider the test a pass if the conditions for the test
# are not met
if not ( conds.contains('EACH_PRIME') and conds.contains('RULE4')):
# We test for no extra factors by first dividing a - 1 by
# the things needed for the other conditions. If that reduced a
# shares no factors with m there are no extra common factors.
reduced_a: int = (a - 1) // f_m.radical_value()
if m % 4 == 0: # this step assumes that condition 3 is met
reduced_a //= 2
if gcd(reduced_a, m) == 1:
return conds
We can use this to test various LCG parameters that have been used over the ages, staring with rogue's
We are going to name a tuple type for the paramaters for any particularly LGG. 'm', 'a', 'c' are for the modulus, multiplier, and increment. 'd' and 'u' will be introduced later and have to do with which bits of the state are output.
class LCGSetting(NamedTuple):
m: int # modulus
a: int # multipier
c: int # increment
d: int = 0 # discard bits
u: int = 0 # upper bits, to discard
We set up a handful of LCGs to test. Many are taken from Wikipedia's list of LCG parameters in common us, but others are contrived here to specifically fail all of our conditions.
lcgs: dict[str, LCGSetting] = {}
lcgs["rogue"] = LCGSetting(m, a, c, 16, 0)
lcgs["Knuth & Lewis"] = LCGSetting(2**32, 1664525, 1013904223)
lcgs["ANSI C"] = LCGSetting(2**31, 1103515245, 12345, 16, 0)
# The Sinclair ZX81. The UK answer to the Commodore64
lcgs["ZX81 (Bad)"] = LCGSetting(2**16 + 1, 75, 74)
lcgs["VMS"] = LCGSetting(2**32, 69069, 1)
lcgs["SV32"] = LCGSetting(2**32, 0x915f77f5, 1)
# Some specifically bad ones
lcgs["Bad 4"] = LCGSetting(m, ((a-1)//2) +1, c)
lcgs["Bad rel prime"] = LCGSetting(m , a, c * 2)
lcgs["Bad extra"] = LCGSetting(m, 1 + (a-1)*2, c)
lcgs["Bad each prime"] = LCGSetting(m*3, a, c)
# The only way I can think of to have something fail at "square free"
# while "each primne" is to make a = m + 1.
square_free_m = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19 * 23
lcgs["Bad square free"] = LCGSetting(square_free_m, square_free_m + 1, 29)
And now to see how each do.
for (name, v) in lcgs.items():
conditions = dh_lcg_check(v.m, v.a, v.c)
if conditions.all():
print(f'All conditions hold for {name}')
fails = [k for (k, v) in conditions.items() if not v ]
print(f'Conditions {fails} fail for {name}')
All conditions hold for rogue All conditions hold for Knuth & Lewis All conditions hold for ANSI C Conditions ['EACH_PRIME'] fail for ZX81 (Bad) All conditions hold for VMS All conditions hold for SV32 Conditions ['RULE4'] fail for Bad 4 Conditions ['COPRIME'] fail for Bad rel prime Conditions ['NO_EXTRA'] fail for Bad extra Conditions ['EACH_PRIME'] fail for Bad each prime Conditions ['SQUARE_LADEN'] fail for Bad square free
Dealing with low order bits¶
There is a bit of a problem with all generators of the type described above. The three least significant bits the result are very highly predictable. Let's illustrate.
First we will create a generator that does not trim bits. (Also, I just learned the Generator/yeild construction in Python.)
def unshifted_lcg(
modulus: int,
multiplier: int,
increment: int,
seed: int) -> Generator[int, None, None]:
state = seed
a = multiplier % modulus
c = increment % modulus
while True:
state = (a * state + c) % modulus
yield state
seed = 0xABAD5EED # well, not a particularly bad seed.
rogue_unshifted = unshifted_lcg(m, a, c, seed)
Now lets look at the first few outputs.
for _ in range(10):
1515747482 19507419 1959566720 1932450201 1342751350 203341991 1920877820 1634189701 1534125714 172340147
On thing you might note from the above is that the output alternates between even and odd numbers. This means that the least significant bit of the output alternates between 1 and 0.
This kind of pattern is not something we want to see in a random number generator.
for _ in range(5):
r = next(rogue_unshifted)
lsb = r & 1
0 1 0 1 0
The problem isn't only the the very least significant bit, there is a pattern of repetition with the second and third least bits when m is a power of 2.
for _ in range(16):
r = next(rogue_unshifted)
lsb3 = r & 6
lsb3 = lsb3 >> 1
print(f'bits 3 and 2: {lsb3:02b}')
bits 3 and 2: 10 bits 3 and 2: 01 bits 3 and 2: 01 bits 3 and 2: 00 bits 3 and 2: 00 bits 3 and 2: 11 bits 3 and 2: 11 bits 3 and 2: 10 bits 3 and 2: 10 bits 3 and 2: 01 bits 3 and 2: 01 bits 3 and 2: 00 bits 3 and 2: 00 bits 3 and 2: 11 bits 3 and 2: 11 bits 3 and 2: 10
The solution to this for LCGs is to keep the low order bits for the internal state of the generator, but to not include them in the output. The rogue LCG returns the the 16 high order bits.
def lcg(modulus: int,
multiplier: int,
increment: int,
seed: int,
discard_bits: int) -> Generator[int, bool, None]:
state = seed
m = modulus
a = multiplier % m
c = increment % m
# Python has int.bit_length(), but Sage doesn't. Sage has Integer.nbits()
if not discard_bits < m.bit_length():
raise ValueError("can't discard so many bits")
while True:
state = (a * state + c) % m
reseed = yield state >> discard_bits
if reseed:
state = seed
# And now we can constuct the (intended) rogue RNG
rogue_lcg = lcg(m, a, c, seed, 16)
for _ in range(10):
23128 297 29900 29486 20488 3102 29310 24935 23408 2629
The rogue LCG modulus¶
I have stated that the (intended) modulus for the rogue LCG is $m = 2^{31}$. I might be mistaken about that. It is possible that the intent was $m = 2^{32}$. Either way, the modulus is never explicitly stated in the code. Instead it is achieved through interger overflow behavior.
Let distill the relevant portions of the source code
int seed;
seed = /* initial seed set from time and PID */
#define RN (((seed = seed*11109+13849) >> 16) & 0xffff)
If seed
had been declared as a uint32_t
instead of int
, then we would have $m = 2^{32}$. Of course the type uint32_t
did not exist as part of the C language when rogue was first written, but there was a distinction between signed integers and unsigned integers that should have been made use of.
There are two issues here. One is that int
isn't always going to be 32 bits, but the more important one is that int
is a signed integer.
It is easier to explain how things might break in the rogue code by first describing how things would correctly work if seed
had that type uint32_t
The maximum unsigned 32 bit integer is $2^{32} - 1$.
Following conventions that came into C in the late 1990s, I will call that UINT32_MAX
$$\mathtt{UINT32\_MAX} = 2^{32} - 1 = 4\,294\,967\,295$$
If you do interger arithmatic on unsigned 32 bit integers,
all your arithmatic will be modulo $2^{32}$.
If a
, c
, and seed
are all unsigned 32 bit integers then
seed = seed * a + c
will be done modulo $2^{32}$.
When working with unsigned 32 bit integers, the following are true
UINT32_MAX + 1 == 0
UINT32_MAX + 5 == 4
2 * 2147483648 = 0
This all comes for free as it is a consequence of how the computing system handles unsigned integers when you exceed their maximum value. And this has been part of the C programming language early days.
For unsigned integers the C language is quite specific on the question of overflow: every operation on unsigned integers always produces a result value that is congurent mod $2^n$ to the true mathematical result of the operation (where n is the number of bits used to represent the unsigned result). {cite:ps}
[p 168]
Unsigned overflow¶
With signed integers, as used in the rogue LCG, the behavior not well-defined.
The C reference at the time, {cite:ps}KerninghanRitchie78
, rogue was written merely had this to say
The handling of overflow and divide check in expression evaluation is machine-dependent.
while {cite:ps}HarbisonSteele91
have more to say:
Traditionally, all implementations of C have ignored the question of signed integer overflow, in the sense that the result is whatever value is produced by the machine instruction used to implement the operation.
And they continue to say
Many computers that use a two's-complement representation for signed integers handle overflow of addition and subtraction simply by producing the low-order bits of the true two's-complement result. No doubt many existing C programs depend on this fact, but such code is technically not portable. [emphasis added]
It appears that the design of rogue's random number generator depends on that assumption about how overflow would be handled.
If that could be relied upon, then it works out to behaving as if integer arithematic on signed 32 bit integers is done modulo $2^{31}$. Had they used an unsigned integer, they would have had a larger effective modulusof $2^{32}$ and would have had more portable code.
I should note that people did not think about portability back then the way they do now. There simply wheren't that many different architectures that Unix ran on. Additionally, C programmers tended to have a greater sense of machine architecture and behavior for their target systems. While it is a mistake to rely on how the machine will handle integer overflow, I am confident that the authors did think about how integer overflow was handled.
Unsigned bit shift¶
We have a similar story with the 16 bit leftward shift, >> 16
when applied to a signed integer. It can behave in one of two ways according the the C standards. But in our case there is no dependence on either of the two possible behaviors because those bits are discarded.
When a negative signed 32 bit integer is shifted left by 16 bits, the filled in left-most bits could all be 0s on some implementions or all 1s on others.
However, the & 0xffff
operation switches those all to zero anyway.
The code assumes that the size of an int
value is 32 bits. At the time it was written, 64 bit systems were far in the future. Unix did run on the 16 bit PDP-11, but I suspect that curses (the terminal graphics library) or even BSD Unix did not run on a PDP-11, so the authors may have had some reason to think that 16 bit int
s were a thing of the past.
They did not anticipate the rise of the 8086 and 80286 16-bit architecture.
15 bit multiplier and increment¶
While the multiplier, 11109, and increment, 13849 meet all of the requirements stated above, they are rather small in comparison to the modulus, $2^{32}$. I suspect that they were originally designed for a 16 or 15 bit modulus. Both numbers are less than $2^{15}$, 32768.
Discarding some high bits¶
If we were concerned about clear patterns in the high bits (as I once mistakenly was), we can discard them from the output. We are already set up to discard some low (least significant) bits in what the generator returns, discarding some high (most significant) bits should mask the step direction effect.
To avoid going back and changing the name of the lcg
I am going to call this acg
for Affine Congruential Generator.
(That would be the correct name for any of these where the incremenent isn't zero).
def acg(modulus: int,
multiplier: int,
increment: int,
seed: int,
discard_bits: int,
discard_high) -> Generator[int, bool, None]:
state = seed
m = modulus
a = multiplier % m
c = increment % m
# Python has int.bit_length(), but Sage doesn't. Sage has Integer.nbits()
if not discard_bits < m.bit_length():
raise ValueError("can't discard so many bits")
if discard_high > discard_bits:
raise ValueError("Can't discard more high bits than all discarded")
high_bit_modulus = m - (2**discard_high)
while True:
state = (a * state + c) % m
reseed = yield (state % high_bit_modulus) >> (discard_bits - discard_high)
if reseed:
state = seed
Now let's try SVG32, but shave off six bits from the top
sv32_settings = lcgs["SV32"]
sv32h_acg = acg(sv32_settings[0], sv32_settings[1], sv32_settings[2], seed=1, discard_bits=8, discard_high=6)
print([next(sv32h_acg) for _ in range(10)])
[807164125, 527615617, 307547762, 773737748, 340240924, 890032332, 643728697, 708426375, 454352427, 724802599, 63664208, 960981130, 623692810, 141421458, 725167799, 940147229, 794794681, 991040013, 584724334, 928858688]