Nothing here should be used for any security purposes.
Security games¶
Imported with:
import toy_crypto.sec_games
The module includes a classes for running the several ciphertext indistisguishability games for symmetric encryption game.
General Structure¶
Indisitinguisibility games are set up as an adversary playing against a game (or Challenger). The game is given an encryption scheme and a key generation function. So creating a game will often look like
def keygen() -> bytes:
def encrypt(key: by, m: bytes) -> bytes:
game = IndCpa(keygen, encrypt)
Once that is done, the adversary can interact with the game according to the rules of the particular game.
The first thing (in how I’ve coding things here) is that the adversary will tell the game to initialize itself.
During that initialization the game will generate a key and randomly select 0 or 1 as the value of the bit b. The adversary’s task durig the course of the game is to figure out the value of b. At the end of a round, the adversary will finalize the game by submitting its guess.
if game.finalize(guess):
# Yay! Guessed correctly
adv_score += 1
The only thing the adversary can do with the game after finalizing is to tell it to re-initialize [1] , which will generate a fresh key and value for the bit, b.
Between initialization and finalization the adversary can ask the game to to perform certain computions, which may include encrypting or decrypting data of the adversaries chosing. Which are available and in what sequences depends on the specific game.
The computation that is essential to all of these games is to encrypt one of two messages provided by the adversary. The game returns a challenge ciphertext that is the encryption of one of the messages depending on its value of b. So the adversary is really trying to figure out if whether it is the left or right message that gets encrypted.
challenge_ctext = game.encrypt_one(m0, m1)
if game.finalize(guess):
To save having to create many instances of a game with the same encryption scheme, py:func:Ind.initialize can be called after a game is finalized to start over with a fresh key and b while using the same encryption scheme. [1]
For testing, it is useful to have a challenge that the adversary can always win, so we will use a shift ciper for testing IND-EAV and a reused pad (N-time-pad) for testing IND-CPA.
import secrets
from toy_crypto.sec_games import IndEav, IndCpa
def shift_encrypt(key: int, m: bytes) -> bytes:
encrypted: bytes = bytes([(b + key) % 256 for b in m])
return encrypted
def shift_keygen() -> int:
return secrets.randbelow(256)
The shift-cipher IND-EAV condition
(and thus does not provide semantic security).
The adversary will set m0 = "AA"
and m1 = AB
If m0 is encrypted then the two bytes of the challenge ciphertext will
be the same as each other. If they differ, then m1 was encrypted.
game = IndEav(shift_keygen, shift_encrypt)
m0 = b"AA"
m1 = b"AB"
ctext = game.encrypt_one(m0, m1)
guess: bool = ctext[0] != ctext[1]
assert game.finalize(guess) # passes if guess is correct
Let’s use a stronger cipher, the N-Time-Pad for our IND-CPA example.
# import secrets # already imported
from toy_crypto.utils import xor
def ntp_keygen() -> bytes:
return secrets.token_bytes(16)
def ntp_encrypt(key: bytes, m: bytes) -> bytes:
if len(m) > len(key):
raise ValueError("message too long")
return xor(key, m)
The N-Time-Pad (up to limited message length) is semantically secure. One can prove that any adversary that can reliability win the IND-EAV game can reliabily predict bits from the presumed security random number generator. Thus the NTP is at least as secure as the random number generator.
But because the NTP is deterministic it will fail IND-CPA security.
game = IndCpa(ntp_keygen, ntp_encrypt)
m0 = b"Attack at dawn!"
m1 = b"Attack at dusk!"
ctext1 = game.encrypt_one(m0, m1)
ctext2 = game.encrypt_one(m1, m1)
guess: bool = ctext1 == ctext2
assert game.finalize(guess) # passes if guess is correct
- class toy_crypto.sec_games.StateError¶
When something attempted in an inappropriate state.
Type aliases and parameters¶
There are a number of types, type aliases [#alias[_, and type parameters defined in this module. Some are used to describe the functions that are passed to the various game classes. Others are used for what passes for the state management within the games.
Types for setup functions¶
- class toy_crypto.sec_games.K¶
Unbounded type variable intended for any type of key.
alias of TypeVar(‘K’)
- toy_crypto.sec_games.KeyGenerator¶
A parameterized type alias to describe the key generator functions. defined as
Callable[[], K]
- toy_crypto.sec_games.Cryptor¶
A parameterized type alias to describe the encryptor/decrptor functions. defined as
Callable[[K, bytes], bytes]
Types for state management¶
- class toy_crypto.sec_games.State(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
The state a game.
Challenge text created.
Game is initialized
- STARTED = 'S'¶
Game has not been initialized.
- class toy_crypto.sec_games.Action(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Adversary actions (Methods called by A).
- DECRYPT = 'decrypt'¶
decrypt() called
- ENCRYPT = 'encrypt'¶
encrypt() called.
- ENCRYPT_ONE = 'encrypt_one'¶
encrypt_one() called.
- FINALIZE = 'finalize'¶
finalize() called.
- INITIALIZE = 'initialize'¶
initialize() called.
- toy_crypto.sec_games.TransitionTable¶
Defined as
Mapping[State, Mapping[Action, State]]
The class and method organization¶
All of the specific game classes are subclasses of the Ind
- class toy_crypto.sec_games.Ind(key_gen: KeyGenerator[K], encryptor: Cryptor[K], decryptor: Cryptor[K] | None = None, transition_table: TransitionTable | None = None)¶
A super class for symmetric Indistinguishability games.
Unless the user provides an appropriate transition table, no methods will be allowed.
The classes only [3] differ in which methods they offer and the sequence in which they are called.
That ordiering defined by the transition tables in T_TABLE
with the initial stated being State.STARTED
All games allow the initialize()
and finalize()
, methods.
- Ind.initialize() None ¶
Initializes self by creating key and selecting b.
- Raises:
StateError – if method called when disallowed.
- Return type:
- Ind.encrypt_one(m0: bytes, m1: bytes) bytes ¶
Left-Right encryption oracle.
Challenger encrypts m0 if b is False, else encrypts m1.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
ValueError – if lengths of m0 and m1 are not equal.
StateError – if method called when disallowed.
- Return type:
- Ind.finalize(guess: SupportsBool) bool ¶
True iff guess is the same as b of previously created challenger.
Also resets the challenger, as for this game you cannot call with same key, b pair more than once.
- Raises:
StateError – if method called when disallowed.
- Parameters:
guess (SupportsBool)
- Return type:
Some of the games allow the encrypt()
and decrypt()
, methods.
- Ind.encrypt(ptext: bytes) bytes ¶
Encryption oracle.
- Parameters:
ptext (bytes) – Message to be encrypted
- Raises:
StateError – if method called when disallowed.
- Return type:
- Ind.decrypt(ctext: bytes) bytes ¶
Decryption oracle.
- Parameters:
ctext (bytes) – Ciphertext to be decrypted
- Raises:
StateError – if method called when disallowed.
- Return type:
The only difference between IndEav
and IndCpa
is that the latter allows multiple calls to encrypt_one()
- class toy_crypto.sec_games.IndEav(key_gen: KeyGenerator[K], encryptor: Cryptor[K])¶
IND-EAV game.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
StateError – if methods called in disallowed order.
Transition table for EAV game
- class toy_crypto.sec_games.IndCpa(key_gen: KeyGenerator[K], encryptor: Cryptor[K])¶
IND-CPA game.
- Parameters:
Transition table for CPA game.
The only difference between IndCca1
and IndCca2
the latter allows calls to decrypt()
the challenge ciphertext
has been provided by encrypt_one()
The challenge ciphertext cannot be given to decrypt()
- class toy_crypto.sec_games.IndCca1(key_gen: KeyGenerator[K], encryptor: Cryptor[K], decrytpor: Cryptor[K])¶
IND-CCA game.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
StateError – if methods called in disallowed order.
Transition table for IND-CCA1 game
- class toy_crypto.sec_games.IndCca2(key_gen: KeyGenerator[K], encryptor: Cryptor[K], decrytpor: Cryptor[K])¶
IND-CCA game.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
StateError – if methods called in disallowed order.
Transition table for IND-CCA2 game